<map lat="55" lon="12" date="2008-05-24" width="300" height="400"/>
The Copenhagen graticule is at latitude 55, longitude 12. It completely encloses Copenhagen, a bit of Malmö and about half of Zealand in general. The graticule is about 60% water, making reachable geohashes a little sparser than normal.
Notable Dates
Next event 2008-05-24 55 12
Graticule: (55, 12) - (56, 13)
Market open on 2008-05-20 = 13026.04
MD5(2008-05-20-13026.04): a188995857b57a819e733e6f1297edbc
Split: a188995857b57a81, 9e733e6f1297edbc
offset = 0.630990585392018, 0.6189459820912757
55.63099058539202 12.618945982091276