
To all the visitors of this humble user page, I say hi!
I am a 17 years old guy living in the small city of Trento, northern Italy.
I got to know geohashing on the 12th of August, 2012, and it was instant love. I really needed something to keep me occupied until the end of the summer. Trentino is not the easiest place to get around- it's all mountains around here, and some places might be quite hard to reach. On the other hand, though, Trento is on the bottom left corner of a graticule- this means I have three other graticules nearby should the location in mine be unreachable. Exploration might get quite hard for me, as I don't own neither a car nor a bicycle and until further notice I will have to rely on my feet and the public transport network (which is quite good luckily).
Thanks for visiting my page!
Successful expeditions
2012-08-13: In a meadow in Viote, Mt.Bondone, Trento.
2012-08-24: Outside a house in Laste, eastern Trento.
2012-08-26: In a porphiry quarry over Gazzadina, Trento.
2012-09-12: On a country road north of Dro. Part of Trentino, but in Verona graticule!
Not-as-successful expeditions
2012-08-27: In a parking lot in Egna/Neumarkt. Had the wrong coordinates and thought it was inside a fenced garden.
Werther earned the Land geohash achievement
Werther earned the Public transport geohash achievement
- Side note/shameless bragging: I could have claimed both land geohash and Public Transport geohash on my first expedition, but I lacked proof for those two.