About Me
2013-01-25 52 20 - A minor road in the village of Magdalenka, in a front of someone's house.
2013-02-04 52 20 - Fenced field in Bobrowiec, a village of beavers.
2013-02-11 52 20 - A field near the road in Sokołów. Not far from a huge carpet warehouse.
2013-02-16 51 20 - A field in Tarczyn. With a creepy, old dugout.
2013-02-23 51 21 - An orchard with young trees in Piwonin.
2013-02-24 51 21 - A field, again. In Grabów nad Pilicą.
2013-03-03 52 21 - A small group of trees, hardly called 'forest' in Baniocha-Wieś.
2013-03-08 52 20 - Middle of secured estate, partitioned by wall/fence.
2013-03-10 52 20 - A field in Parole, between Nothing Interesting and Bored To Death.
2013-03-13 52 21 - An island on Vistula river!
2013-03-27 51 21 - A molehill on field in the village of Sobików.
2013-03-30 52 21 - A field between two estates. With beavers!
2013-04-01 52 21 - An empty lot on the outskirts of Piaseczno
2013-04-18 52 21 - In the middle of Zegrzyński reservoir.
2013-04-23 52 20 - Hillock near railway tracks in Żoliborz, Warsaw district.
2013-04-24 52 21 - Someone's backyard in Nowinki village.
2013-04-30 52 20 - In a grove on the outskirts of Warsaw.
2013-06-07 52 21 - Empty fenced lot in Konstancin-Jeziorna.
2013-06-20 52 21 - Garden plots in Warsaw.
2013-07-03 52 20 - A forest in Sękocin Stary.
2013-07-19 52 21 - On someone's yard, within an arm's reach from fence on the outskirts of War...
2013-10-13 51 21 - A forest in the village of Sierzchów, close to road.
2014-06-27 52 20 - Dirt road in a forest near Stara Wrona (pol. Old Crow).
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