2013-08-02 32 -97

From Geohashing
Revision as of 20:27, 2 August 2013 by imported>JasonKoller (Achievements)
Fri 2 Aug 2013 in Fort Worth, Texas:
32.7037145, -97.5376933
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


A cow pasture in the middle of nowhere with what appear to be some ancient ruins.



The plan is to head out right after work.
It's my half day, so I expect to arrive around 1pm.
According to NOAA, the temperature will have just hit 100ºF.
Does this qualify for MNIMB Geohash Achievement?
Or is this considered normal since it's August in Texas?

Looking on Google Maps,
there appear to be some kind of ruins scattered around the GeoHash point.
I love old stuff, so I'm really excited to see whats out there.
I really hope it's not fenced off.
2013-08-02 32 -97 Sat.JPG


Alas, looking through Google Maps I saw many gas well sites.
I mistakenly assumed that each well site would be individually fenced, gated, and locked.
I figured that the whole ranch would be fenced off,
But usually people out here use those gate less cattle guards to keep the cows in.
At least I got the no trespassing consolation prize
2013-08-02 32 -97 Authorized Personnel Only.jpg


Google Maps



Jason Koller earned the No trespassing consolation prize
by almost (1 mi) reaching the (32, -97) geohash on 2013-08-02.
2013-08-02 32 -97 Authorized Personnel Only.jpg

Other Geohashes on 2013-08-02

Expeditions and Plans

Fort Worth, Texas Jason Koller A cow pasture in the middle of nowhere with what appear to be some ancient ...
Atlanta, Georgia NWoodruff In the back part of a church in Greenbriar village.
Boise, Idaho Ojones, Eldin East of Star.
Middlesbrough, United Kingdom Mcbaneg, JMuonio, Jake Along a tree line between a cow pasture and sheep pasture, County Durham, U...
Moscow, Russia vb A residential road in Perovo district.
Nilsiä, Finland Tilley On the slopes of forested hill Kiuruvaara, in Halmejärvi, Valtimo.

Update this list.