2014-09-19 62 27

From Geohashing
Revision as of 18:29, 19 September 2014 by imported>Tilley (Tilley gets an easy one!)
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Fri 19 Sep 2014 in 62,27:
62.8867517, 27.6346360
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


In Savilahti, Kuopio. The point lies behind the biggest supermarket in Kuopio, and right beside the train tracks.



From the geohashing IRC-channel the previous evening:

20:07 < Tilley> wow! Tomorrow's hash is only 5 km from me, but it's either on a train track or right beside it, in which case it is between the track and a motorway! What a luck.. of course I'll go check it out, but I have to seriously consider if I can bring geotoddler along.

20:23 < Tilley> there are also bridges and stuff, I'm not sure at which point the actual bridge starts. If the place is very difficult, I may have to go at night for the first time to avoid attention.


Geotoddler sleeping, only 20 meters to the hashpoint.

After spending the morning playing and singing in the city's "open kindergarten", me and my daughter started our expedition. We rode the route familiar to us to the supermarket called "Prism". Somewhere half way my daughter had fallen asleep, like she almost always does in our hashing trips. Circling to the back side of the supermarket, I was excited where the point would land exactly. To my relief, the point seemed easier than I had feared. The asphalt of the loading bay area extended so far towards the track that I could park our bike only 20 meters from the point. At this side of the building, there are barely any windows and very little traffic. Furthermore there were some bushes between the asphalt and the track. This was the highest spot of the terrain nearby, so track banks were only half a meter high.

A quick stupid grin before anybody spots me.

Grabbing my camera and GPS, I quickly scoured through the bushes, then stopped carefully to watch both directions a few times, then ran quickly over the tracks. A very fast geodance, couple of pictures in rapidfire and then back. Phew! Mission accomplished! Too bad there was no line of sight from the hashpoint to the nearby geocache, now I only get a honorable mention.

The landmark pylon of the supermarket, and in the horizon the most famous landmark of Kuopio, the tower of Puijo. The Puijo ski jumping slopes are also visible.

Because the weather was very nice and the toddler was still sleeping, I continued my trip to look for a few geocaches. Then we slowly continued home. An excellent day!

Distance cycled on the whole trip: 22 km.

Additional photos


Tilley earned the Hash collision honorable mention
by discovering the geocache GC1PVQE 0.1 km from the (62, 27) geohash on 2014-09-19.
Tilley earned the Bicycle geohash achievement
by cycling 22 km to and from the (62, 27) geohash on 2014-09-19.
2014-09-19 62 27 DSC6705 1500px.jpg
Tilley earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (62, 27) geohash on 2014-09-19.
2014-09-19 62 27 DSC6714 1500px.jpg