2008-05-31 -35 149
What a day! At around 4:30 eNIGMa and nemo made it to within 100 metres of the hash, which turned out to be in a paddock about 800 metres south east of the cemetery in Gundaroo. Unfortunately there were device problems.
At four thirty it must have seemed that no one else would show at the hash site, but these intrepid adventurers didn't count on one thing, the sheer disorganisation of another Canberra team. Oh yes, Canberrans made it to the hash site, at 7:30pm, but that's not half of the story!
[hide]The First Mob
eNIGMa and whoever else attempted it should write this bit, and upload photos of that cool cemetery during the day!
The Second Mob
Deb Adam - it was his birthday! Kieran Deb's love interest who's name escapes me during this alcohol induced haze
The trip, a Cemetery, Fences, and the Hash
Story and cool photos to be posted.
I've uploaded the couple of photos I had on my phone. Expect much more (high quality snaps of sunsets, street signs and the group) when Psud wakes up in the morning. --Kieran 16:25, 31 May 2008 (UTC)
The hash was in a paddock about eight hundred metres north east of a the Cemetry in Gundaroo. Owen Elliot came within sight of winning the Couch Potato Hash... or would Coffin Potato Hash be a better term? The appropriate terminology was appropriately debated.
Normally fences aren't a problem, you just climb through them. We climbed through a number of fences on our way to the hash, but unfortunately a fence that had been well made separated us from the paddock the hash was in. We wandered along the well made fence line, found a gate to the nearby state forest, and wandered along that fence line. Finally found a wombat scraping into the paddock we wanted to enter. FSM bless Wombats, nothing gets in their way!
Eventually we made it to the hash point, but Psud's super cool camera died on us! And it was pitch black! So the photos to confirm we made it to the hash point are camera phone shots of a camera phone screen at night. Just believe us, we made the damn hash!
The Post Hash Party
We went to Psud's place, because it was his birthday. And there was a bonfire. And there was drinking. And there was a geohashing cake complete with trees, river and flag emblazoned with today's hash coordinates.Cool photos to be posted soon.