From Geohashing

Babel | |||||||||
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I'm a German Geohasher and stumbled only recently over this exciting new hobby. I use every opportunity to see new places and experience some adventures (especially if I can bring my clumsy but unmatched dog Pedro).
Attempted Geohashes: 3 Reached Geohashes: 3
2021-02-06 49 8 on a path with a nice view on the castle Lichtenberg
2021-01-17 50 7 in front of an oak near Pfaffenheck
2021-01-08 49 8 forest near Eberstadt
For multiply gained achievements, only the first occurrence is listed here.
Gefrierbrand earned the Land geohash achievement
Santu earned the No Batteries Geohash Achievement
Gefrierbrand & Santu earned the Juggernaut achievement
Gefrierbrand & Santu earned the Last couple standing achievement
Gefrierbrand & Santu earned the Snowman Geohash Achievement
Santu achieved level 1 of the Minesweeper Geohash achievement