
From Geohashing
Revision as of 02:36, 21 September 2021 by XXOs (talk | contribs) (Uluru holiday! Hopefully.)
About me
Lol-asg.png 18 / m / -34,138
South Australia locator-MJC.PNG This geohasher comes from Adelaide.

en This user is a native speaker of English.
jp-1 この利用者は初級日本語ができます。

I have not ever successfully geohashed. I want to, but every time there's one that'd be convenient for me I seem to always be either in a position where it's no longer convenient or I just forgot to check My account was created on 2020-09-18... that means that I haven't successfully geohashed for a year... uh...

I almost got to a hash on 2021-07-18 in the Southern Adelaide graticule, but I was unable to obtain proof or get to the exact hashpoint. Oh well.

Note: I'll be on holiday in and around Alice Springs, Uluru, and Yulara from 2021-09-27 to 2021-10-03, so that'll either be really good (due to lots of long-distance travelling) or really bad (if I can't take anything to get proof) for me. If I can at least attempt a hash while I'm there, I'll record it on my user page. If I'm not able to, I'll probably put something on my talk page or something.

While I wait for a hash to land somewhere convenient, I'm going to be continuing to work on my Javascript port of Hessophanes's regiohashing tool. Probably.

(All of my Mediawiki-style wiki accounts can be found here)

Consolation Prizes

XXOs earned the No trespassing consolation prize
by almost reaching the (-35, 138) geohash on 2021-07-18.