Meat Cove, Nova Scotia

From Geohashing
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Gulf of Saint Lawrence Gulf of Saint Lawrence Gulf of Saint Lawrence
Magdalen Islands, Quebec Meat Cove, Nova Scotia Channel-Port-Aux Basques, Newfoundland
Inverness, Nova Scotia Sydney, Nova Scotia Glace Bay, Nova Scotia

[[Category:Meetup in {{{lat}}} {{{lon}}}| ]]

Today's Location: [Meat Cove, NS]

The Meat Cove graticule is at latitude 47, longitude -60. It consists almost entirely of the Cabot Strait and Gulf of Saint Laurence, with only a small sliver of Northern Cape Breton. As such, it is nearly impossible to reach most geohash locations without the aid of a sea-fairing vessel, while those locations that do end up on land are typically found in rough terrain.