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Portland, Oregon | Shmur | South slope of Green Mountain in Clark County, Washington approximately 500... |
Yakima, Washington | Thomcat | East of Holmes (and south of Ellensburg) on Tjossem road. |
Innsbruck, Austria | TheOneRing | on a meadow near Deining. |
Pforzheim, Germany | Someone went | Stupferich Karlsruhe, probably on a private field. |
Stuttgart, Germany | RecentlyChanged, teamtec, two friends of him plus one, girlfriend | In Oberbrüden near Baknang |
Erfurt, Germany | Manu, Reinhard, Bergie, Pico | On a road behind a furniture store. |
Most, Czech Republic | Danatar | in the Tharandter Wald forest near Grillenburg. The spot is only a few ... |
Stargard Szczeciński, Poland | GeorgDerReisende | The hash lay in the meadows of Rymań (Kołobrzeg County, West Pomeranian Voi... |