2024-07-08 53 8

From Geohashing
Revision as of 22:05, 8 July 2024 by Fippe (talk | contribs) (new report)
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Mon 8 Jul 2024 in 53,8:
53.0232540, 8.8202331
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


This Geohash is located on a meadow in Bremen-Arsten.



In the evening, I took the bus to Osnabrück Central and missed my train. An hour later, I took the train to Bremen, the tram to Bremen/Klinikum links der Weser and walked the rest of the distance.

The Geohash was on a dried-out meadow where not much was growing. It was not difficult to locate the coordinates and record proof.

Afterwards, I walked back to the tram station, took the tram back to the central station, the train back to Osnabrück Central and walked back home.




Fippe earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (53, 8) geohash on 2024-07-08.
2024-07-08 53 8 02 Geohash.jpg