2024-07-24 31 34

From Geohashing
Revision as of 11:27, 24 July 2024 by Yerushalmi (talk | contribs)
Wed 24 Jul 2024 in 31,34:
31.8600000, 34.8109109
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


In the middle of King Hassan II Street in a commercial/industrial district of Kiryat Ekron.


Yerushalmi (talk) and #3-5


It's been a while since I could even attempt a geohash, what with the kids on vacation, my wife working hard on her master's degree, and an excruciating month-long heat wave. But this point is accessible by car and is in an area with multiple interesting stores. As long as we don't leave too late (a major heat warning comes into effect at 11am), I'll take whichever kids agree to come with. There's an unusually large candy store in the area that can serve as incentive.


Pretty much without a hitch. I didn't sleep well the night before so we only left at 9:45, but we drove to Kiryat Ekron (there was no traffic) and reached King Hassan II street. I came in from the east, then did a U-turn at the end of the street and parked, initially assuming that the hash was on the eastbound side of the street. I opened up Geohash Droid and waited until there were no other cars, then drove slowly down the street. Aha, it's on the *westbound* side. So I did another U-turn, parked again, carefully scrutinized the map, and figured out that the point was in the left lane. Again I waited for the road to clear, drove slowly down the left lane, and saw that I drove straight through the point and Geohash Droid gave me the green signal of success.

I did try to take screenshots, but it's hard to do it while driving - and since #1 and #2 didn't come with us, and my wife was at home working on her master's degree, none of them could do so. So the proof is, shall we say, substandard. But I saw that I got there.

I did yet another U-turn at the end of the road and took the kids to a candy store, where we spent slightly too much. We dropped by another couple of interesting places and then drove home.


Three attempts at catching the proof: