2024-07-25 40 -84

From Geohashing
Revision as of 22:05, 26 July 2024 by Ironeagl (talk | contribs)
Thu 25 Jul 2024 in 40,-84:
40.9505238, -84.8241047
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


On a road in Allen, Indiana


Ironeagl (talk)


After my last failed expedition, I was willing to drive a bit further to get a publicly-accessible hash.


Ironeagl (talk) : I left after work, and drove for quite a while. Near the hashpoint, I passed through Monroeville (unfortunately named after a U.S. President rather then Our Holy Founder). The hash was on the road, and I passed right over it! I did not stop long, though, as I had arrived just behind the owner of the property that fronted it, and I really did not want to be suspicious again. On the way back, I stopped at a display of an F84-F fighter-bomber outside Monroeville, which was interesting.


