2008-08-17 49 -123

From Geohashing
Revision as of 17:57, 20 August 2008 by imported>Thepiguy (consecutive geohash added)
Sun 17 Aug 2008 in 49,-123:
49.3047357, -123.0104490
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox

Located in what appears to be a construction site in north Vancouver, east of the Iron Workers Memorial bridge.


Because of the reachability of the days hash, there were plans to make it a supplementary meetup. Two groups of geohashers did show up at 10:00. To bad it was 10am and 10pm.


Still tired from the previous days adventure, I set out at 0700 and took the Cypress bike rout through Vancouver only to end up lost in Stanley park for a second time. Once over the Lions Gate bridge I attempted to follow shoreline paths headed east, but encountered dead end after dead end. By the time I reached the Lonsdale Quay (and tuned my self around because it too is another dead end) I was behind schedule, and decided to stick to the first road I came to; which, as luck would have it, was the bike path I had been searching for all morning.

The hash point turned out to be right beside a quiet construction site, so I set up camp and waited for my fellow geohashers to arrive. I refilled my water bottle, ate some breakfast (read: left over nibs from the previous day) and took a few pictures. Unfortunately by the time I had to leave no other geohashers had arrived. I spent a full hour waiting (from 0930 to 1030) but the only people who greeted me were a few roaming cyclists and a few roaming deer. I packed up and left a small note for any future travelers to the area.

I biked back to the quay and, for change in pace, took the sea bus to Waterfront station and biked back into Richmond to do some volunteering.

A successful geohash although it would have been nice to run into another geohasher. *sigh*


Here are some picture:

Consecutive Geohash

This geohash is part of a Consecutive Geohash by thepiguy. The complete list of geohashes is:


Unfortunately, I was unable to make it to the morning meet-up (my apologies Piguy), but i was able to make it there late in the evening as my friend was inclined to investigate the geohashing phenomenon and drove the two of us to the hash site at about 10pm on Sunday night. We discovered the hash very close to the edge of a construction site: we feared it would lie within and be unaccessible, but so close. Luckily we were right on the edge and managed to get right on the hash point for a fleeting moment or two.

We snapped a few pictures and we returned to my friends birthday party from whence we came. Not the most optimal hash, as i missed my fellow geohasher, but a good start, I think.

(unfortunately my pictures came out really terribly, as I didn't think to use my Macro focus till I got home. Oh well, live and learn.)

PS: Does me bringing my friend along to the hash (who i had to explain the concept to on the way there) count as a Drag Along Achevement?