2010-11-12 50 19

From Geohashing
Fri 12 Nov 2010 in 50,19:
50.1615607, 19.7235711
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


17 km from Kraków in a straight line. In a field, but that was pretty awesome field.



Veni, vidi, (probably) reached.

Few more details:

There was no school today, due to Polish Independence Day on previous day (yay for Poland and long weekends!), so it was good time for geohashing. The only bad thing was the wind that blowed right into my face almost all the way to the hash. Due to that wind I have lost my cap. It slipped away from my pocket when I wasn't looking and I have never seen it again, although I was searching it for few minutes. Aparently gods of geohashing needed contribution, so I moved further. I cycled though pretty nice Będkowska valley, and found the point on a hill between this and next valley.
