The hash lies on the road from Morsleben to Beendorf in Sachsen-Anhalt.
I want to hitchhike to the service station Marienborn, walk from there to the hash and further to the service station Lappwald, then hitchhiking home. I will start at home around 10 o'clock, so I may be there around 16:00 (no warranty).
I left home at 9 o'clock and started to hitchhike at 10 o'clock. The first car stopped after 90 minutes, with seven cars at all I arrived at the former border control of the GDR, nowadays the service station Marienborn at 16:50.
Then I walked to and through Morsleben.
The hash was easy to find, it lay on the western side of the road.
The north and the east.
The south and the west.
The geohasher.
A view to Morsleben from the hash.
Today, instead a nuclear power station, I had a view to a dumping site for atomic waste.
At least I walked to the service station Lappwald, started to hitchhike at 18:45, there stopped the fifth car, then I had to walk from Hannover-Anderten to the service station Wülferode, there I got the third car. With a little more speed and tree minutes I got a good bus to Kassel and I arrived at home at 22:30!