
From Geohashing


West of -30°: .0115670, .5922525
East of -30°: .0939935, .8313781
Globalhash: -73.081175392518,119.296104862160

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Expeditions and Plans

Tel-Aviv (Goosh Dan), Israel Yerushalmi In a parking lot near some stores in Bnei Brak
München, Germany Iqui On a street in Zorneding
Paderborn, Germany GeorgDerReisende At the side of the railway line from Frankenberg to Korbach.
Emden, Germany Fippe located on a field in Kampe.
Bremen, Germany Gaboversta, Fippe, Loipho located in the Bürgerpark (citizen park) in Bremen-Schwachhausen.

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