
From Geohashing


All locations: .4281258, .3170893
Globalhash: -12.937356102433,-65.847845092615

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Expeditions and Plans

Santa Rosa, California 10d100h Just off and near the end of Rector Reservoir Trail, east of Yountville, CA...
Boston, Massachusetts azsr North edge of the pavement on Baker Bridge Road in Lincoln, MA. (Okay maybe...
Bamberg, Germany Torodeas Tron via rb11 re10 rb81 re80 s4 155 -- Torodeas (talk) 12:14, 8 February 2...
Eindhoven, Netherlands MyrtleGlacy, MyrtleGlacy’s Fiancée In a forest west of Eindhoven
Kassel, Germany GeorgDerReisende The hash lay near a tree in the fields southwest of Westuffeln.
Bielefeld, Germany Fippe located at the edge of a forest in Meyerhöfen.

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