2013-02-03 -37 145

From Geohashing
Revision as of 02:42, 7 October 2021 by FippeBot (talk | contribs) (Location)
Sun 3 Feb 2013 in -37,145:
-37.8070823, 145.1332988
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


At a house in Box Hill.



This is the only proof of this hash, success unknown.

Lachie: "I might give it a go, will see how the day pans out. This would be a dejavu hash for me if I had proof, I've walked along the footpath out the front of that house several times. The hash is in 136 Dorking road and 135 was my ex girlfriend's house, may still be, haven't seen her in years."

-Email to Felix Dance 2013-02-03.


Lachie earned the Bicycle geohash achievement
by cycling to and from the (-37, 145) geohash on 2013-02-03.