2023-06-03 43 -78
Sat 3 Jun 2023 in 43,-78: 43.0388203, -78.9006840 geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox |
Edge of Ransom Road on Grand Island
I initially thought I would drive to this hash, but realized it was close enough to ride my bike to and might be easier to get a success if I had to stand on the edge of the grass to get a good reading. J was going to be babysitting her 3 young nieces, but figured I could escape around 15:00 to go to the hash for an Official Saturday Meetup.
Things worked out really well and I helped babysit until it was time to get ready. By that point, J's mom stopped by and was helping to get the girls ready for when their parents came to pick them up so I didn't feel bad about leaving. It was a really nice day, but the wind was strong (and backwards, from the NE, where it normally is from the SW). It wasn't too bad until I got to the Niagara River and discovered it was also Sandfly season. With the strong wind, it wasn't bad where it was more open, but near trees or bushes, it was just clouds of them. One poor guy wearing neon green biking in the other direction was covered by them. Luckily, they weren't sticking to me too much. I was happy to get a breather when I hit the Grand Island bridges, but getting to the top by the pylons of the bridge, I found I was a bit wobbly and found it hard to control my balance. I didn't think too much of it, but was extra careful getting over and to the other side.
I was hoping the wind was blowing the bugs across the river to the other side, but they were just as bad on the Island. I suffered through them and making my way around the island, I found the hash-road. Using the HashDroid app, I was able to find the house the hash was near and got a good reading without having to go too far onto the grass. I then took a couple pictures before heading back. Getting back to the bridges, I discovered why I was having so much trouble earlier. The wind was more in my face going in this direction, and it was so strong, I had to lean into it to hold my line. However, the pylons are so big they block the wind significantly, so as I got behind them, the wind suddenly stopped and I had to re-adjust my balance as I was no longer being pushed over by the wind, only to hit it again on the other side.
Getting back to the 'mainland', I REALLY didn't want to ride through the bugs again so I stuck to the road that goes along the river. Fortunately, it was far enough away from the water that the bugs weren't at all bad. I just had to deal with the stronger winds as it was a bit more open. Kind of a pick-your-poison situation, but I'm happy with that decision. The rest of the ride was uneventful and everyone had left by the time I got back.
This user earned the Land geohash achievement
Pedalpusher earned the Bicycle geohash achievement
Pedalpusher earned the xkcd Viginturion achievement