
From Geohashing


West of -30°: .2389110, .1759024
East of -30°: .5315285, .2427314
Globalhash: 5.675128285403,-92.616703711762

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Expeditions and Plans

Melbourne East, Australia Stevage, Lachie In bushland, 30m from Sugarloaf lookout, near Kinglake.
McAllen, Texas Lightrider Just off of a frontage road, behind a fence on private property.
Vancouver, British Columbia SuperNerdUqau On a sidewalk near 37th Ave & Balaclava.
Goslar, Germany GeorgDerReisende The hash lay in the street Warteblick in Duderstadt-Mingerode.
Dortmund, Germany Lam 'al Adie located on a cemetery in Sodingen.

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