2024-06-03 46 -71

From Geohashing
Mon 3 Jun 2024 in 46,-71:
46.7651490, -71.1103475
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


In a field, on the side of Harlaka bike path in Pintendre.


  • Gict
  • Gict's boyfriend


To go after work and appointments but before groceries. I will make it an excuse to go biking.


The hashpoint is pretty much on the same bike path as the last hash I attempted. So we parked at the same parking than last time in Saint-Henri. We had a parking choice closer to the coordinates but it will be only 2,4km of bike. I wouldn't have taken the bikes out for that. The boyfriend was also happy to ride. From the parking, we headed north for a planned 8,5km.

The path is straight all the way. The elevation is essentially flat all the way too; only one train track to cross on a bridge. There was front wind but nothing else worth mentioning.

I stopped at the mark I had seen on the satellite image. It was 7 pm. I walked across the ditch by a tractor access. The boyfriend was waiting, holding the bikes while I took my pictures.

The way back was similar except we hit the smell of a piggery.

There was an ice cream shop next to where the car was. I would have liked a slushy. But the cash-only sign put us on our way. We add groceries to get anyway.




Gict earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (46, -71) geohash on 2024-06-03.