2024-07-04 41 -87

From Geohashing
Thu 4 Jul 2024 in 41,-87:
41.7894232, -87.9249340
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


Alongside a church in Hinsdale.


Tarasaurus's brother


Take the train there in the afternoon.


A holiday geohash! I already had plans this evening for my brother to visit to pick up some of his things. I wanted to take the train to Hinsdale for this however, so we arranged for him to meet me at the hash point since it was roughly midway between our homes. I caught the train at 5pm, and about 30 minutes later was in Hinsdale. My brother beat me to the hash area by about 5 minutes while I was walking through a noticeably wealthy area with big expensive homes. At last I arrived at the Hinsdale United Methodist Church, where to my delight there were a pair of adorable little robot lawn mowers wandering the grounds. Once I greeted my brother we set about seeking out the hash independently on our phones. We both found it at the same time...about 20 feet apart. His GPS signal kept wandering endlessly however so I declared my spot to be the true hash beneath a shady hash tree. Sylvie took another grin photo, our 3rd of the year, and then my brother drove me back home.



Tarasaurus earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (41, -87) geohash on 2024-07-04.
Tarasaurus earned the Public transport geohash achievement
by reaching the (41, -87) geohash on 2024-07-04 via Metra.
Tarasaurus earned the Holy hash achievement
by reaching the sacred (41, -87) location, which is in front of a Methodist church, on 2024-07-04.