2024-10-07 48 11

From Geohashing
Mon 7 Oct 2024 in 48,11:
48.3045491, 11.5194600
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


On a meadow close to Haimhausen



Feyi: Zu dieser Zeit sammelten sich schon die Nebelschwaden am Boden und machten diese etwas abgelegene Wiese zu einem beinahe verwunschenen Ort (s. Bild 1, Stelle des Geohashes). Unweit des Geohashes auf dem Radweg hatte man einen schönen Blick in Richtung Alpen. Links der Baumgruppe ist mit geübtem Auge auch der Münchner Olympiaturm zu entdecken (s. Bild 2).

Iqui: The location looked so unproblematic on the satellite photos, just a regular meadow with no strings attached. But turns out below the good looking grass, a muddy and wet ground was waiting for me. I tried to take a detour around the particularly wet spots, but that only made things worse as more distance needed to be traversed. The overall area the hash was located in was surprisingly beautiful though, and on my way back, I got some good views of the alps!





Iqui earned the Speedrun achievement
by completing their entire expedition to and from the 2024-10-07 geohash in 42 minutes.
Feyi earned the Speedrun achievement
by completing their entire expedition to and from the 2024-10-07 geohash in ? minutes.
Iqui earned the Drowned Rat Geohash Honourable Mention
by reaching the (48, 11) geohash on 2024-10-07 despite being partially wet from wading through a muddy meadow.
2024-10-07 48 11 location 360.jpeg
Feyi earned the Two to the N achievement
by attempting to reach 22 hashpoints on 2024-10-07 48 11 and is promoted to Level 2 (Expeditions).
Iqui and Feyi earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (48, 11) geohash on 2024-10-07.
2024-10-07 48 11 location 360.jpeg
Iqui earned the Bicycle geohash achievement
by cycling 15,2 km to and from the (48, 11) geohash on 2024-10-07.
2024-10-07 48 11 pretty view.jpeg
Feyi earned the Bicycle geohash achievement
by cycling to and from the (48, 11) geohash on 2024-10-07.