2025-02-18 47 -122

From Geohashing
Tue 18 Feb 2025 in Seattle:
47.6795014, -122.5426437
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


A business entrance / driveway on Bainbridge Island.



Stop by after work, location sandwiched by two ferry rides.


Easy accessible point, no private land to worry about. Only catch - it's across the Puget Sound from here. Still, the days in the month are dwindling, and I'll be on the road (work) for a chunk of March, so gotta get the geohash when I can.

Despite threatening clouds, it was a pleasant drive and smooth crossing. Restarted the phone as it (or geohashdroid) seemed to have some issues with getting the coordinates. The picture had *some* coordinates - but if you look up where my first smiling face is, it's on a hillside and not on a boat on the sound. Alas.

De-boarded, zipped through Kingston and took a left, heading towards Bainbridge via the town of Suquamish. This was where OtherJack and I visited on 2013-05-25 47 -122, a combined Saturday geohashing day, towel day and pub geohash success. Was it really 12 years ago?

Across the bridge and down the road to the cutoff, and then I parked next to a very photogenic sculpture that greeted all geohashers. Also an anchor, perhaps representing what daily coordinate checks feels like? The artwork was uncredited, and had I anyone with me (or a tripod) I would have tried to duplicate the pose. Alas.

The geohashpoint was less than a block away, and I walked the final distance. A bit of scuffing about landed me on the spot, or at least within a few meters multiple times. Snapped a few more photos and off I went. Would I catch the next ferry? Would it be so bad if I didn't?

Spoiler alert, I didn't catch the next ferry, but I enjoyed a lovely pint of Irish red ale as I started reading "Cadillac Desert", all about water in the Western US. Something we don't have a problem with on Bainbridge island or under my muddy shoes. I *did* catch the next ferry, snapping a photo of a bird while on the boat.

Fairly easy success, though not without cost. Fifth month in a row with a success. Last man standing? Time will tell.

Still overdue at updating the rest of my achievements. Hell yes!




Thomcat earned the Last man standing achievement
by being the the only hasher world-wide to go on a geohashing expedition on 2025-02-18.
2025-02-18 47 -122 thomcat 1739923829014.jpg