2025-02-18 47 -122
Tue 18 Feb 2025 in Seattle: 47.6795014, -122.5426437 geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox |
A business entrance / driveway on Bainbridge Island.
Stop by after work, location sandwiched by two ferry rides.
Easy accessible point, no private land to worry about. Only catch - it's across the Puget Sound from here. Still, the days in the month are dwindling, and I'll be on the road (work) for a chunk of March, so gotta get the geohash when I can.
Despite threatening clouds, it was a pleasant drive and smooth crossing. Restarted the phone as it (or geohashdroid) seemed to have some issues with getting the coordinates. The picture had *some* coordinates - but if you look up where my first smiling face is, it's on a hillside and not on a boat on the sound. Alas.
De-boarded, zipped through Kingston and took a left, heading towards Bainbridge via the town of Suquamish. This was where OtherJack and I visited on 2013-05-25 47 -122, a combined Saturday geohashing day, towel day and pub geohash success. Was it really 12 years ago?
Across the bridge and down the road to the cutoff, and then I parked next to a very photogenic sculpture that greeted all geohashers. Also an anchor, perhaps representing what daily coordinate checks feels like? The artwork was uncredited, and had I anyone with me (or a tripod) I would have tried to duplicate the pose. Alas.
The geohashpoint was less than a block away, and I walked the final distance. A bit of scuffing about landed me on the spot, or at least within a few meters multiple times. Snapped a few more photos and off I went. Would I catch the next ferry? Would it be so bad if I didn't?
Spoiler alert, I didn't catch the next ferry, but I enjoyed a lovely pint of Irish red ale as I started reading "Cadillac Desert", all about water in the Western US. Something we don't have a problem with on Bainbridge island or under my muddy shoes. I *did* catch the next ferry, snapping a photo of a bird while on the boat.
Fairly easy success, though not without cost. Fifth month in a row with a success. Last man standing? Time will tell.
Still overdue at updating the rest of my achievements. Hell yes!
Geohasher @47.8771,-122.3213
Greeter @47.6794,-122.5419
Driveway in question @47.6795,-122.5426
Geohasher @47.6795,-122.5426
Missed the ferry beverage @47.8011,-122.5002
Local bird @47.7945,-122.4933
Thomcat earned the Last man standing achievement