2025-03-22 41 -86

From Geohashing
Sat 22 Mar 2025 in 41,-86:
41.5123608, -86.6882633
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


Inside a field encircled by Circle Drive, Washington Township, Indiana.



H. Stickmin Esq: Hashpoint looks accessible as it's in a grass field in the middle of a circular road with houses on the outside! Hash is in Central Time, and it looks promising for a Midwest Saturday meetup!

Ironeagl Checked ownership of the field, appears to be owned by the HOA of the complex. So there shouldn't really be problems with meeting up there (it's also in front of an empty lot, so...). When driving there, note that what Google Maps notes as "Rachel Rd" might not actually be a public thoroughfare.


H. Stickmin Esq Set off in the afternoon an hour later than originally planned as the hash is located in Central Time, but drove through some beautiful countryside and eventually reached Circle Drive! I pulled onto the large grass field that had cars on it in front of other houses on the other side of the circle, and did a little hashdance as I saw Ironeagl arrive! We both found the hash on the field and had a pleasant conversation about geohashing, the beauty of the area, and the fact that we were participating in a Saturday 4pm meetup in the Midwestern United States! It was very enjoyable, and I introduced my hashcots as well! We took some photos and I headed back off through some additional rolling green fields of spring, delighted about the meetup and possibility of more to come!

Ironeagl My experience was much the same as Stick's, even though the hash was located on HOA property we didn't encounter any unhappy residents! This was my first Saturday Meetup (and first meetup in general, but I hope there are more to follow!



H. Stickmin Esq and Ironeagl earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (41, -86) geohash on 2025-03-22.
H. Stickmin Esq and Ironeagl earned the Meet-up achievement
by meeting each other at the (41, -86) geohash on 2025-03-22.
H. Stickmin Esq earned the Earliest geohasher achievement
by arriving first at the (41, -86) geohash on 2025-03-22.
H. Stickmin Esq earned the xkcd Nullaturion achievement
by attending 1 Saturday meetup.
Ironeagl earned the xkcd Nullaturion achievement
by attending 1 Saturday meetup.