Digby, Nova Scotia
From Geohashing
Saint John, New Brunswick | Sussex, New Brunswick | Kentville |
Meteghan | Digby | Bridgewater |
Yarmouth | Shelburne | Port Mouton |
Today's location: not yet announced |
The Digby graticule is at latitude 44, longitude -65. It contains parts of the Annapolis River Valley and the Nova Scotia Bay of Fundy coastline, Kejimkujik National Park, as well as Lake Rossignol, amoung many others.
This graticule is quite rural near the coast line, getting progressively wilder going towards the interior. There are lots of small lakes, and the country is quite rugged and hilly, but fairly accessible on the numerous back roads to wilderness geohashers.
No geohashes have been attempted in this graticule.
No known locals in this graticule.