Talk:Time-traveller achievement
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It seems to me that we can make a badge that represents the spirit of this attachments better than the guy with the cape.
What about a badge showing a DeLorean with flaming tire trails?
Maybe like this DeLorean?
by Jason Koller
Anyone come close?
Seeing as no one has this badge, I tried for it today, 2008-09-13. I failed by 17 minutes (proof pending the pictures come out well.) Has anyone else done better?
- I normally geohash by bicycle, so out of the question, but in the right circumstances I could get this one as an air hash. I think you're the first to try, though. Splendid effort! -Robyn 06:45, 14 September 2008 (UTC)
- Guys ... I've had a killer idea. Four words: End of Daylight Savings. I'm going to suggest this to my local chapter. It's particularly good for us as we don't live anywhere near a timezone border (UK). I could make it a quasi-cross-border one as well by going between England and Wales, in whichever direction is COUNTER to the usual way you'd do it by skipping timezones. It shouldn't be too difficult to achieve by car in this part of the world as the graticules are only 40-50 miles "across" (though still like 70-80 miles "high") and the roads are fairly good - and will be empty at that time. (No account yet i'm afraid) 18:26, 12 October 2008 (UTC)
- You know, I thought of that a long time ago, but for some reason I thought this achievement had been wordedto require two Saturday 4 pm meetups. If you can get to two at two am, or whenever your local daylight savings cuts in, all power to you. I'd recommend practicing in daylight before the actual event.
- Travelling E<>W across my local graticule to visit relatives and friends who live far enough away that they're a full degree or more distant count?
- If the two hashes are in different time zones (either permanently, or because of daylight savings), then yes. That's the idea. I have proven in the past that you -can- reach two hashes E<>W in less than one hour. It depends a lot on the road network. -- Relet 19:13, 15 October 2008 (UTC)
- I kinda meant "does that count as practicing", but eh :) At the mo it looks like it's going to be tight, and I need to get cracking in a moment. Tahrey 22:57, 25 October 2008 (UTC)
- If the two hashes are in different time zones (either permanently, or because of daylight savings), then yes. That's the idea. I have proven in the past that you -can- reach two hashes E<>W in less than one hour. It depends a lot on the road network. -- Relet 19:13, 15 October 2008 (UTC)
- I'm sure I've cracked the hour at much less amenable times of day before... it's a lot easier to go that way than N<>S around here! I may try a daylight practice (or at least, early night time, as it's already practically dark outside and I haven't left work yet), I'm just waiting for a day where the co-ordinates aren't a stupid distance away from work, home, or any point in-between! Getting to some distant spot for 2am would be easy - but not for 6pm ;). Actually I'm wondering if a double one is possible... be somewhere at a little before 1am (and wait for the clock to tick over), then zoom across one graticule to land on another just before 2am becomes 1.01.... and go from there onwards to a third for the second 1.59!
- Well, time zones are usually more than one graticule wide. ;) -- Relet 19:13, 15 October 2008 (UTC)
- Then that may make this kind of unique ... you can easily do the 2-part one over a timezone as you don't need to go across a whole one, just cross the border. This may be tantamount to teleportation ;) Tahrey 22:57, 25 October 2008 (UTC)
- Well, time zones are usually more than one graticule wide. ;) -- Relet 19:13, 15 October 2008 (UTC)
- ...and drive two hours back home to crawl into bed at a 4am that's actually 5. Good thing it's sunday morning, eh - and the sun won't be up for another hour or two.
- Sorry, miscalculated there. 3am that's usually 4. I think. Erm. Tahrey 22:57, 25 October 2008 (UTC)
- Travelling E<>W across my local graticule to visit relatives and friends who live far enough away that they're a full degree or more distant count?
- The problem I guess would be getting the proof. I don't have a GPS or sat nav, and am unlikely to own one in the next couple weeks. Could borrow one --- MAYBE. But difficult questions would be asked. The best I could do is turn up at the points and somehow try to prove my timing (maybe a video, with the car radio timecheck in the background) and location (take copious pictures with benefit of headlamps and try to match them up with any daylight shots, map, and online aerial photos?).
- Proof can be a timing device and some photos of identifiable landmarks. Headlamps will help there at night. ;) -- Relet 19:13, 15 October 2008 (UTC)
- I've been trying to scout for landmarks on Google maps. I'm going for this one as the hashpoints are, quite conveniently, just in the right locations to be reasonably accessible on foot, but also just-about legally drivable including the foot travel and stop-offs. Tahrey 22:57, 25 October 2008 (UTC)
- Proof can be a timing device and some photos of identifiable landmarks. Headlamps will help there at night. ;) -- Relet 19:13, 15 October 2008 (UTC)
- The problem I guess would be getting the proof. I don't have a GPS or sat nav, and am unlikely to own one in the next couple weeks. Could borrow one --- MAYBE. But difficult questions would be asked. The best I could do is turn up at the points and somehow try to prove my timing (maybe a video, with the car radio timecheck in the background) and location (take copious pictures with benefit of headlamps and try to match them up with any daylight shots, map, and online aerial photos?).
- (Considered a four-stop interlaced one, but that would just be too difficult and too illegal without actually having a helicopter or at least a fast microlight with a floodlamp mounted on it ... conceptually possible by road in a moderately fast car given the clear roads, but death and/or jail would await, as well as being stripped of any potential award) (BTW, I am 17:32, 15 October 2008 (UTC)
- Additional to that --- have looked into hitting the 25th and 26th october ones one after the other as they initially looked reasonably close (and i'm not sure at what point the Geohashing "day" starts - midnight? or later?), but the extra travel distance involved makes it just a bit impractical. I could probably manage an 85mph average speed in my clapped out old transport, but the constabulary might have something to say about it. Tahrey 22:57, 25 October 2008 (UTC)
- (Considered a four-stop interlaced one, but that would just be too difficult and too illegal without actually having a helicopter or at least a fast microlight with a floodlamp mounted on it ... conceptually possible by road in a moderately fast car given the clear roads, but death and/or jail would await, as well as being stripped of any potential award) (BTW, I am 17:32, 15 October 2008 (UTC)
Hmm, I crossed a time zone today and hashed each side of it. But I doubt it was at exactly the same time. That would be too freaky for words. -Robyn 01:26, 13 October 2008 (UTC)
- Awwww, you need to try it for serious :) Tahrey 22:57, 25 October 2008 (UTC)
well, crap
It might have been possible had it been dry and a bit warmer, but I kind of reckoned without mother nature pulling a fast one and bringing on quite a wind and rain storm, and what that would mean re: visibility, grip, reserve engine power and my own bottle vs travel speed when combined with the fairly insane hills and bends that I didn't expect to find on supposed A-roads just 30-odd miles out of the dull flatness that is the N.Brum area (couldn't even get up near usual flat-out pace on the m'way when heading south, into the worst of the wind). I am her bitch, and there's probably a couple other "fail" "awards" to be had once I figure it out .... after having a sleep, and seeing if the engine sounds rough and the brakes still work on the jalopy come the morning. I at least got some photos of the rough area of one of them, and shots documenting position at time of fail. Admittedly I was almost 20 minutes later than desired leaving the house, but I would have needed to budget a further 10-15 on TOP of that just to manage it all successfully whilst still driving like a man posessed. I could have pushed harder, but I didn't fancy giving the project it's first "killed in a geohashing accident" posthumous award (I wonder if this counts as creating the first page that has that combination of words?), so mostly played it safe.
"Better luck next year", maybe? :) 03:07, 26 October 2008 (UTC)
- It was however, definitely a Spontaneous Adventure and reasonably good fun, so the spirit of it all survives at least. And I didn't have to be rescued off a mountainside in the lake district like a few hundred cross-country marathon runners did on the same night because their weather was even worse. Just hope no-one actually paid any attention and so weren't waiting around. 14:01, 26 October 2008 (UTC)
- Marathon folks are weird, eh? Running around pointlessly for 42kms. Congratulations for that expedidition, whatever the outcome. I'd love to read the story tomorrow. -- Relet 14:28, 26 October 2008 (UTC)
Attempt Planning
I'm currently planning to attempt this on Saturday, 2009-02-14, in the Bonneville Salt Flats (40,-113) and Wendover (40,-114) graticules. Any SLC-based Geohashers want to make the attempt with me? I have a car and appropriate gear. --Pardey 15:56, 13 February 2009 (UTC)
- Go for it! We'll be watching. -Robyn 21:01, 13 February 2009 (UTC)
No dice - woke up to lots of snow. I'll keep trying... --Pardey 16:13, 15 February 2009 (UTC)
- Ha ha. Good old Utah. -Robyn 03:05, 16 February 2009 (UTC)
Possible Combo Achievements
Might be considered cheap, but one could theoretically achieve this in combination with Proxy Geohashing (if for instance, the hashes in adjacent graticules were absurdly close) , or Puppet-Master. --Viashno 09:30, 14 December 2008 (UTC)
Yep, cheap. I wouldn't count it as a Time Traveller, but I'd mention the proxy in the report on the one I attended and vice versa. -Robyn 13:33, 14 December 2008 (UTC)
Possible approaches
- If you're near a timezone boundary, you could make one hash and then drive to a hash across the border. At the equator, this would require driving west at over 130 mph, which would be tricky. An airplane could do it, though. (Robyn?) This trick becomes vanishingly easy near either pole.
- Daylight Savings Time also only gives you an hour.
- The international date line gives you about a day to make the next hash. You could even do the hashes in reverse temporal order. Unfortunately, these are almost exclusively Water Geohashes.
- There may be some locations on the planet (close to the polar regions) where you can cross a -2 timezone boundary, giving you extra time.
- The ±0 and ±90 graticules have a mirror effect. Using a timezone boundary here could be quite effective.
-- 01:20, 18 January 2009 (UTC)
Further, you could combine DST with a timezone boundary, gain a single hour on both occasions and make three hashes at the same time and date. Given, it would all but require three hashes to coincide with a major East-West highway. But still…
-- 22:26, 24 January 2009 (UTC)
alternatively, you could use DST together with a timezone boundary to get 2 hours of playtime between 2 hashes.
-- 18:38, 13 October 2009 (UTC)
International Date Line
The situation around the 180° meridian is not so easy, because the International Date Line doesn't lie always on this meridian. I didn't find any precise definition of the line, but at some places there is the change somewhere else and according to wikipedia it seems possible to have three dates near one point. --GeorgDerReisende (talk) 17:57, 25 April 2016 (UTC)
- The 180 meridian is not the same as the international date line, but the meridian has the mirror effect, and the international date line is effectively a large time zone border. I'll clarify the article text McKay (talk) 01:00, 26 April 2016 (UTC)
- I've updated the text, I hope this is more easily understood? McKay (talk) 15:29, 26 April 2016 (UTC)