
From Geohashing
Lol-asg.png 33 / m / 52,-0


Josh/dr-spangle goes to university at Swansea (in graticule 51, -3, but spends holidays with family in 52, -0. He doesn't own any GPS unit or smart phone, but has a laptop and can print and read maps. No motorised transport either, just a bicycle and walking boots. Might get lost or confused near hashpoints, if you see me, just say hi :)


Contact me at:

  • Email:

I do not use other instant messengers, though I do tend to hang around on canternet, ponychat, shadowworld and freenode IRC servers.


  • 2012-09-10 52,-0 Second geohash, cycled from Oundle to the hash, was a little way into a private airfield. met Ben there. Cycled back.
  • 2011-10-19 51,-4 My first (and currently only) geohash, I was dragged along by Ed, more specifically Rhian cornered me as I was about to enter my flat and convinced me to go. I then convinced Ciaran to come, I am unsure if this is elligible for the Drag-along achievement or not.

Planned Geohashes

  • 2012-09-12: 52,-0 and 52,0, hoping for a double bicycle tron no batteries geohash. Going from Oundle and ending up back in Oundle. (Not sure if this counts, as I currently live in Stanwick, but will live in Oundle in possibly a week?)


Dr-spangle, Homsar, Rhian and Ciaran earned the Public transport geohash achievement
by reaching the (51, -4) geohash on 2011-10-19 via Uncertain.
Dr-spangle, Homsar, Rhian and Ciaran earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (51, -4) geohash on 2011-10-19.
2011-10-19 51 -4 hashpoint.jpg
Dr-spangle earned the Bicycle geohash achievement
by cycling to the (52, -0) geohash on 2012-09-10.
2012-09-10 52 -0 dr-spangle leaves.jpg
Dr-spangle and Benjw earned the Meet-up achievement
by meeting each other at the (52, -0) geohash on 2012-09-10.
2012-09-10 52 -0 happy hashers.jpg
Dr-spangle earned the Earliest geohasher achievement
by arriving first at the (52, -0) geohash on 2012-09-10.