Difference between revisions of "Template:Media attention geohash"

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m (+cat)
m (Replacing Peeron with Geohashing.info)
(7 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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<table style="border-width: 1px; border-spacing: 0px; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: lightgray;">
| color    = red
<td style="border-width: 5px; border-spacing: 2px; border-style: hidden hidden hidden solid; border-color: red; border-collapse: separate;"><div>[[Image:Media Geohash.jpg|44px]]</div></td>
| icon    = Media Geohash.jpg
<td style="padding: 0px 12px 0px 10px;"> '''{{#if:{{{name|}}}|{{{name}}}|This user}} earned the [[Media Attention Geohash]] achievement'''
| user    = {{{name|}}}
:{{#if:{{{mediaTale|}}}|{{{mediaTale}}}|For being immortalized in the hearts of others}} during the [http://irc.peeron.com/xkcd/map/map.html?lat={{{latitude}}}&long={{{longitude}}}&date={{{date}}} ({{{latitude}}}, {{{longitude}}}) geohash] on [[{{{date}}} {{{latitude}}} {{{longitude}}}|{{{date}}}]].</td>
| achievement = [[Media Attention Geohash]] Achievement
{{#if:{{{image|}}}|<td><div style="width: 52px;">[[Image:{{{image}}}|44px]]</div></td>|}}
| action  =  being immortalized in the hearts of others during the [https://geohashing.info/s/{{{date}}}/{{{latitude}}},{{{longitude}}} ({{{latitude}}}, {{{longitude}}}) geohash] on [[{{{date}}} {{{latitude}}} {{{longitude}}}|{{{date}}}]] {{{mediaTale|}}}
| image    = {{{image|}}}
</table>[[Category:Media attention geohash achievement]]<noinclude>
| category = Geohashing in the media
| expedition = [[{{{date}}} {{{latitude}}} {{{longitude}}}]]
'''How to use this template:'''
'''How to use this template:'''

Latest revision as of 10:49, 15 January 2022

Media Geohash.jpg
This user earned the Media Attention Geohash Achievement
by being immortalized in the hearts of others during the ({{{latitude}}}, {{{longitude}}}) geohash on [[{{{date}}} {{{latitude}}} {{{longitude}}}|{{{date}}}]].

How to use this template:

{{Media Attention Geohash

| latitude = latitude (required)
| longitude = longitude (required)
| date = date (YYYY-MM-DD format) (required)
| name = name of achiever (optional)
| image = image name (optional)
| mediaTale = A description of your media coverage (optional)


Example: {{Media attention geohash | latitude = 45 | longitude = -122 | date = 2008-02-19 | name = Noterminal and Drache | image = Noterminal_portland_sample_2.jpg | mediaTale = For rescuing a helpless kitten from a tree }} appears as:

Media Geohash.jpg
Laurence earned the Media Attention Geohash Achievement
by being immortalized in the hearts of others during the (45, -122) geohash on 2008-02-19 For rescuing a helpless kitten from a tree.

Example: {{Media attention geohash | latitude = 45 | longitude = -122 | date = 2008-02-19 }} appears as:

Media Geohash.jpg
This user earned the Media Attention Geohash Achievement
by being immortalized in the hearts of others during the (45, -122) geohash on 2008-02-19.