Talk:2009-06-14 49 -122

From Geohashing
Revision as of 14:00, 15 June 2009 by imported>Rhonda (Comments from from local geohashers who aren't very local at the moment: we were busy!)

I should be able to catch the 351 from downtown no problem. Maybe this time i'll get there 30 seconds before it pulls out instead of 30 seconds after --Xore 17:59, 12 June 2009 (UTC)

Comments from from local geohashers who aren't very local at the moment

It makes me sad I'm not in Vancouver. You guys are having so much fun! And there are so many new people! ... Then I remember I'm going biking with Reinhard and Manu tomorrow, and I'm a little less sad. But I still miss Vancouver. Thepiguy 19:09, 12 June 2009 (UTC)

I miss my home graticule too. I'm soothed by the hope of scoring some exotic northern graticules for my Graticule Hopper quest, but there are thunderstorms today, so no flying. Having all kinds of new people geohashing Vancouver without us is infinitely better than having good geohashes go to waste because Pi and I are out of town. So you go, guys! Maybe put an extra pinecone on your location marker for us. -Robyn 18:07, 13 June 2009 (UTC)

What is this? It's already the next morning (it is here at least) and there's no report yet? What am I supposed to do at work all day? Thepiguy 06:48, 15 June 2009 (UTC)

Bah, it's midnight and I'm drunk and tired. :P To summarize, success, with some cycling and ambassador. Picnic was also had. Yangman 06:58, 15 June 2009 (UTC)
All of us had plans for the afternoon. Half the group went to the car-free vancouver events, and the other half went to play tag. -- Rhonda 14:00, 15 June 2009 (UTC)