Geohashing Poster Tool
Since I had made my first poster/marker, I had planned to automate the task. For a while, PDF posters were available from the Active Geohasher website, but as of May 2013 it has been down ("Offline for Maintenance") for several months. So I relaunched the project from scratch, and here is the result.
Posters are available from the following URL:[date]_[lat]_[lon]
eg for today's hash in 46,6, got to
Minimal globalhash support is also available:[date]_global
eg for today's globalhash, go to
=> Basically, just use the same address as the expedition page, but replace the hostname and path by The syntax that was used by Active Geohasher is also supported (with / as separator instead of a space/underscore).
From an expedition page, you can link to the poster like this:
[{{FULLPAGENAME}} Poster for this expedition]
The tool builds upon work made by others, as well as several online services:
- Active Geohasher as general source of inspiration
- GeoHashing logo based on Dawidi's work
- DJIA info from
- Reverse geocoding location info from OpenStreetMap, GeoNames and Google (the tool tries to get the best match, and shows which source was used on the right of the poster)
- Aerial imagery / maps from Google
- Customized comic by Hugo
Your feedback and suggestions are more than welcome! Please use the talk page.