2017-11-27 47 -122

From Geohashing
Revision as of 07:42, 28 November 2017 by imported>Thomcat (success and story)
Mon 27 Nov 2017 in Seattle:
47.5660844, -122.2782711
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


In the middle of a grassy area in Genesee Park and Playfield.



Visit after work.


Posted this easily reached point this morning, no takers. I've been examining the output of the Seattle graticule shotgun and figuring which flags were visited and which not, at least for the Seattle city limits.

In doing so, I came across an expedition I was sure I went on, 2009-09-04 47 -122‎‎. I've been backing up old photos and files anyhow, so it was an easy thing to find my 2009 folder and the specific pictures - yes, there it was, a chalked success. Why hadn't I uploaded these?

After doing that, I figured I would revisit to see the current view - well, the current dark view at night. After that - well, nobody took me up on my offer, and it *was* rather easy to reach - I drove 20 minutes to the current day hashpoint.

The field was quite dark - sliver moon behind clouds and no streetlights - but I reached the point easily and without soaking my shoes. I snapped a picture in the car with light so I would have *something* to upload, but the picture I took facing west looked okay at the time.

On the way home, I drove north to visit the boat ramp before the park closed at 11. No fences, probably no enforcement. A short drive home followed, where I contemplated which sub pages my 8 year old would screw up.

