I live in Berlin, Germany which makes (52, 13) my home graticule. I'm also sometimes around 52°N 11°E where I could visit a hash point in one of the 4 bordering graticules.
2008-09-06 51 11 - June 9th, 2008 to Wegeleben
2009-06-17 52 13 - June 17th, 2009 to Saarmund
2009-06-23 52 12 - June 23th, 2009 to Schönfichtenberg
2009-06-24 52 13 - June 24th, 2009 to Wollenberg
2009-08-07 51 10 - August 7th, 2009 to Badersleben
visiting many hash point in and around Berlin :) fellow travelers appreciated