2008-06-06 42 -71
Fri 6 Jun 2008 in 42,-71: 42.7596630, -71.8253824 geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox |
This hash is located in New Ipswich, NH near the Greenville border in the Boston, Massachusetts graticule across the Souhegan River from Rte 123.
AHecht earned the Land geohash achievement
AHecht 1:15pm EDT
See story in gallery below.
- GeoSquishing
These coordinates are 15 minutes from my office. I didn't find out the coordinates until I was already at work, so I had to make do with what I had with me. I didn't have a camera or separate GPS, so I had to use my phone as a camera and GPS unit (using a bluetooth GPS radio). I put on my emergency rain pants and waterproof boots from my car and headed out. The easiest access to the hashpoint was through a backyard that was nicely mowed all the way to the river. However, not wanting to trespass, I bushwacked my way down to the banks of the Souhegan.
After getting to the river, this is what I was faced with. I was able to get half-way across without any trouble, but the water was too deep to get across the second half dry. After walking up and down the shore, trying to find a better crossing, I decided to go for it and wade in. My waterproof boots quickly became filled with water, and of course the water wouldn't drain out.