Awesome addiction achievement
This achievement was proposed in the past, but has been rejected, because it relies heavily on the behaviour of other geohashers and was deemed to be highly improbable. Please read the discussion page for more details.
As per the page proposed achievements: If an achievement has strong opposition and the reasons for opposition are not resolved through discussion, then the proposed achievements category is replaced with the rejected achievements category, the reason explained succinctly on the page, and the page otherwise marked to make sure it isn't confused with an achievements page.
Claim this achievement if, in a calendar month, your expedition count is greater then the sum of all the other geohashers' expeditions in the entire world.
It not too hard to work out. Check out the month of interest and, for each day, count your expeditions and everyone else's. If Σ you > Σ everyone else, you get the ribbon.
For example in January 2015 there were 67 expeditions with 20 by Sourcerer. I'd have had to exceed 47 to beat the world. I did get a hepta-hash but I'd need several more to achieve this! --Sourcerer (talk) 10:26, 1 February 2015 (EST)
I wonder if anyone has achieved this.