The decimals generated by the geohashing algorithm can also be used to generate a single point on the globe instead of one for each graticule and this award celebrates those lucky or mad enough to pursue that single point.
To generate this point take W30 decimals for a date (to make it global) and multiply the latitude by 180 and subtract 90, and the longitude by 360 subtracting 180. This will generate a single point on the globe which is today's only globalhash.
Proof is the same as any hash, but at the single day's coordinates. Good luck! The odds of the globalhash falling in your graticule are 1 in 64,800!
For September 10th, the W30 decimals generated were 0.2642955149758937 and 0.45661491254372155 for latitude and longitude respectively.
0.26429551497589370 * 180 = 47.5731926957 - 90 = -42.4268073043° Latitude 0.45661491254372155 * 360 = 164.3813685160 - 180 = -15.6186314840° Longitude
Or 42.4268073043° S, 15.6186314840° W which is in the south Atlantic Ocean, near Gough Island.
- KML ¦ Google Maps - all globalhashes, beginning 2008-05-26 until 2008-09-08.
- Online Globalhashing Tool - Look up any date since 1928-10-01.
The following Geohashers have won this award, and have supplied proof.
Ribbon Template
This user earned the Globalhash achievement