Creating a Graticule Page
>page still under construction<
First check to make sure the page doesn't already exist. Someone might have named it after another city in the graticule or with a different spelling. For example, Montreal, Quebec is not the same as Montréal, Québec. Go to the All Graticules page to see if it is listed there. If it is, click on its name on the All Graticules page and you will be taken either to the graticule page or to an edit box to create it.
If your graticule is not listed on the All Graticules page, you get to name it. Please follow the guidelines for naming graticules. Add your name to the All Graticules page in the appropriate section, following the format exactly. You may also want to name its neighbours, while you're at it.
Here are some elements to consider for the page. Include what makes sense for your graticule.
Describe the location of your graticule. Name the population centres, highways and geographical features encompassed by it. Brag about the difficulties and advantages of geohashing there. Say what is unique about your graticule. Some graticule pages include a photograph of the graticule, or a group photograph of local geohashers.
- Land/water/military program to show percentages
- Links to transit, tide tables, ferry schedules, bike routes, as appropriate
Graticule Template
Paste a copy of the Graticule template into your page and edit it to represent your graticule. If the neighbouring graticules have names, include them. If not, you can leave them blank or link to the appropriate ocean.
Include a section for all the local geohashers to link to their user pages and optionally give a one line description of their geohashing intentions, e.g. 'Can give rides" "only on weekends" "if it's near public transit."
Geohashes Reached
Link to expedition pages in your graticule. If your graticule is extremely active, you may want to list these on a separate page.
- Split graticule options
- watch this page
Add the categories appropriate to the graticule, according to the following standards.
USA and Canada
If your graticule is in the USA and/or Canada, include a category for every state and province that has a part inside the graticule, no matter how small. Do not include country or continent categories. The province and state categories will automatically put it in the right hierarchy. There are special categories for graticules that span four US states and graticules that span three Canadian provinces.
Other than the USA and Canada
Include a category for every country that has a part inside your graticule, no matter how small. Do not include the name of the continent. The country name will put it in the right continent.
Active or Inactive
if you are creating the page out of interest, but not actually geohashing there, add Category: Inactive Graticules. If you or someone else is regularly attempting to reach geohashes within the graticule, then add Category: Active Graticules.
Speaking of which, I still don't have a category for this page.