
Note: The birthday provided to this template is not
actually my birthday; it's merely the nearest
approximation of it, as my birthday varies from year
to year. In 2009 my birthday fell out on August 25-26.
In 2010 it will fall out on August 15-16.
Um... hi!
Yerushalmi is your friendly neighborhood oleh chadash living in Jerusalem with his beautiful wife, who thinks this whole geohashing thing is ridiculous but humors him with it because it's a way to get him out of the house. It took him over seven months, but he finally got himself a GPS and can reach some of those pesky field, forest, and desert hashes that keep landing just outside the Jerusalem city limits.
He is an editor and translator working on the main exhibit opening next year at the Israel Museum.
He is also starting to believe that the algorithm hates him personally. His home city of Jerusalem, Israel, is 125.156 square kilometers in area and has not had a single hashpoint fall out within the city limits since he first joined in March. His old home city of Teaneck, New Jersey, is 16.19 square kilometers in area and has had FIVE hashpoints land in it during that time, including two hashpoints within half a kilometer of his old house! Something's not right!
My expeditions
Total expeditions: 6 Total successes: 3
Bolded expeditions indicate successes.
- 2009-03-17_31_34: A drag-along holy no-batteries land geohash in the virgin Beersheba graticule.
- 2009-04-10_31_34: A police no-batteries unleavened land geohash in the Beersheba graticule.
- 2009-04-13_32_34: An unplanned expedition that found my wife and me only 70 meters from the hash point without realization or intention.
- 2009-06-18_32_34: Almost but not quite a Puppet Master Geohash.
- 2009-08-16_31_34: A plain old no-batteries land geohash in the Beersheba graticule. With a surprise celebrity guest.
- 2009-10-06 32 35: Rain, paint, and failure in the Tel Aviv graticule.
My achievements
Yerushalmi earned the Drag-along achievement
Yerushalmi earned the Land geohash achievement
Yerushalmi earned the Holy hash achievement
Yerushalmi earned the No Batteries Geohash Achievement
Yerushalmi and his wife earned the Police Geohash Achievement
Yerushalmi and his wife earned the Unleavened Geohash achievement
Yerushalmi and his wife earned the Celebrity Geohash achievement
Fun Stuff
On the difference between a man and a GPS.
The Israeli Geohasher's Theme Song
קום והתהלך בארץ
בתרמיל ובמקל,
וודאי תפגוש בדרך
שוב את ארץ ישראל.
יחבקו אותך דרכיה
של הארץ הטובה,
היא תקרא אותך אליה
כמו אל ערש אהבה.
זאת אכן אותה הארץ.
זו אותה האדמה
ואותה פיסת הסלע
הנצרבת בחמה.
ומתחת לאספלט
לבניני הראוה,
מסתתרת המולדת
בישנית וענוה.
קום והתהלך בארץ
בתרמיל ובמקל,
וודאי תפגוש בדרך
שוב את ארץ ישראל.
יחבקו אותך דרכיה
של הארץ הטובה,
היא תקרא אותך אליה
כמו אל ערש אהבה.
וכרמי עצי הזית
ומסתור המעין,
עוד שומרים על חלומה
וחלומנו הישן.
וגגות אודמים על הר
וילדים על השבילים.
במקום שבו הלכנו
עם חגור ותרמילים.