2010-02-03 52 13

From Geohashing
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Wed 3 Feb 2010 in 52,13:
52.3855855, 13.2004523
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A rush to the hash....


In Tschaikowskystraße in Stahnsdorf, southwest of Berlin.


  • Hiro
  • her boyfriend, who lives just 3km away from the hash
  • Martin, a fellow student who lives in Teltow as well


University till 5pm, so I can't be there before 6pm, later would also be no problem, so if anybody else plans to show up, tell me I'll adjust to that... --HiroProtagonist 17:51, 2 February 2010 (UTC)

How to get there with public transport: The bus stop Stahnsdorf, J.-Graudenz-Str. is pretty close, busses 601 and X1 can take you there from S Teltow Stadt or S Potsdam (X1 only). Another convenient option is Stahnsdorf, Bergstr., the bus 623 can bring you there from S Zehlendorf or U Oskar-Helene-Heim. Thus: A really easy to reach hash! Get there everybody! :)


In the end: Not quite as easy as I thought!!

Afer university I didn't go to my boyfriend's home in Teltow right away, but joined him and some of his fellow students (computer science) in Charlottenburg for a round of sushi and beer, well beer for the boys, wine for me actually ;) Anyway it was a nice group (many xkcd readers amonf them :D ) and time passed a little quicker than I had thought, but when we left there at 10pm I thought it would take us an hour to get to Teltow, and thus give us another hour to reach the hash (which was 3km and something like a 10 min bus ride off) In the end it took us a little longer and we didn't reach Teltow long before half past eleven. But we had managed to convince at least one more to join us (who admittedly lives in Teltow as well) And once again I hadn't taken into account that the public transport in Teltow is not quite of the quantity I'm used to from Berlin. It was late; it was a weekday => 601 and X1 weren't going anymore. We were lucky enough to still fetch bus 117, which would take us close. How close? We didn't know exactly, but it was only one bus stop further, whatever that means in metres... We could just sit in the bus, daring it to go faster... We arrived at Stahnsdorf, Waldschänke at 23.40 and figured from a map we still had a kilometre to go. We trudged on through the snow down Schleusenweg, and the endlessly seeming Potsdamer Allee, always throwing anxious glances at the watch. Will we still make it? Finally: Bergstaße! Just 150m more to reach Tschaikowskystraße and: YES!! 23.56! We made it!

Now, of course we would wait for a midnight hash, wrote XKCD in the snow several times, made photos with the stupid grin and were astounded of the number of cars driving through that small street during the little time we spent there.

Then the glory of the hash began to fade and we started thinking about how to make it back home. I noticed that I hadn't really thought about the way back (yay, for geohashing and a large stupidity distance...) and returning the closer bus stop we were astonished to actually find a bus going in a few minutes (yay for luck for geohashers!) but then it didn't. SO we read the schedule closer and saw that this bus was only going on Fridays. (yay for being able to read properly -.-) and so we started our walk through the snow, but after something like two kilometres there was another bus stop operated by another bus line - and the night bus was going to be there in just one minute time (yay for night bus service). After that it was just a 5min bus drive and tumbling into bed at 1.15 am to start write this report :)

Hiro earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging Franz and Martin to the (52, 13) geohash on 2010-02-03.



Now I wanna get some sleep, photos will be added tomorrow morning! Here are some:

The other photos are not from my mobile, I still have to get my hand on them....