On a small island in the Oslofjord, known for its beaches and its camping grounds. Hippies are said to camp there for months during summer.
We shall hop on the 11:45 boat from Vippetangen to Langøyene. Or maybe earlier. Or later. Damn hippies can't get that straight. But we will bring games. There will also be slacklines, and juggling, and a social experiment.
Woke up in time, hopped on a Bysykkel and arrived at Vippetangen at around 9:20. I met relet there and we jumped on the same boat to Langøyene.
Finding the hashpoint was fairly easy, it was on a camping field between a few tents. We put a marker on some sort of log that was surely used as a bench. relet left a note explaining the social experiment he concocted, and we walked away from the hashpoint, to go hike a bit around the island. We stopped at a point close to the water, where I started reading for a little while.
We met W and one of his colleagues a bit later (around noon).
We took the boat back at 15:03 and arrived in Oslo soon after.
| eiggen on the boat to Langøyene |
| A soccer match in progress |
| Four hours later - project failed. Meh. |
| Minesweeper "Alta", actually |
| On deck of the boat back from Langøyene. |