In the forest near Bismarckturm in Jena.
- Juja, her favorite ninja and Hans
Expedition: Juja
Successful midnight hash, yay! Today's coordinates surprised me, the point was at Couch Potato Honorable Mention distance to my favorite ninja's home and pretty easy, so I had the idea to take the chance and try a midnight geohash (since I am a big sleepyhead and staying up late is just as difficult as getting up early, so I could only get this achievement when the point was practically in my bed). The ninja was nice and accompanied me (although this ended in quite some cursing), I even marked the road with dry leaves (a mark that probably wouldn't even outlast the first car rushing by) and shortly after midnight we were back home in our beds.
Expedition: Jens
When I first saw the coordinates for today, I thought this might be a good chance to do another coordinated expedition with Juja. But I was to late. She already had her midnight hash. So I started alone after work and walked up the hill to the point. After half an hour of walking I easily found it laying only a few meters beside the path. Not far from here on the other side of the path there were thousands of children playing in a enclosed area, producing a lot of noise. But because of the fence between us I was able to avoid strange questions like "Why are you taking photos of a plush raven sitting on a broken branch?"
I looked for a mark Juja left, but didn’t see one. So maybe she didn’t mark the place or I am to stupid to find it. Let’s wait for here report to get the answer. I left the place and after 5 minutes of walking, I remembered that Juja mentioned Manu would come here too. So I could leave a mark for here. But this idea was 5 minutes too late and I didn’t want to go back again. So I continued to the Bismarkturm where I took a last photo before climbing down again.
Photos Juja
| Juja and the Ninja started at 685m distance.
| Nothing much too see at this time of day...
| Hans enjoying the dark forest.
Photos Jens