2020-06-29 42 -78

From Geohashing
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Mon 29 Jun 2020 in 42,-78:
42.2152879, -78.7114255
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


Little Rock City State Forest, just off the Finger Lakes Trail



Let me start this off by saying I ride my bike a lot and rarely go for rides shorter than 20 miles (~32 KM). On Saturday, I was planning on doing a 5 KM run with some friends to support a good cause. I figured with my cycling endurance, I might have a little trouble, but I should be able to complete it. I jogged with another friend who is working on getting back into running shape and she wanted to run about 10 minute miles. It was an easy pace, but by the end, my legs were starting to feel it. We finished in just under 33 minutes and I stretched a bit while we hung out in the park afterwards. I didn't think much of it, but OMG...this morning when I got out of bed, I could barely walk and I hobbled down the stairs like an old man (Day 2 is always the worst). Stretching was painful, but moving around and continued stretching throughout the day seemed to help. I didn't want to take the dogs for a walk at the park like usual, but when these coordinates were posted, I thought this might actually be good to go for. I could take it easy on the trail, stretch and move my legs and still get out for a nice (short) hike.

At the end of the workday, got some things together and we headed to the State Forest, leaving shortly after 17:00. Getting to Ellicottville, I turned on the Phone GPS to guide us the rest of the way in and we found the parking area for Little Rock City without too much trouble. There were a few cars parked along the road where there were little picnic pavilions (large enough for one family). Parking the car, we headed down the trail happily not seeing too many people. There were 4 guys that looked like they were bouldering on some of the large rocks off the trail and we really only ran into one other guy.

Working our way down the trail, I turned on my GPS and I was able to get within 250 feet (about 75 meters) of the hash on the trail. Time to head into the woods and we made our way carefully down the gentle slope of the hill. I was able to zero in on the hash, but before I was ready with the camera, the 0 feet to go reading jumped up to 20 feet. So much for a short GPS dance. I ended up walking all over the place trying to get a good reading again for the pictures and eventually found the spot again. A good distance away from the original spot, but whatever. The GPS said I was there! Getting a couple pictures, we headed back on the trail and this time we didn't see anyone. I ended up cutting off the wide turn of the trail at the end as there were some really stinky, muddy spots I wanted to avoid with the dogs. Simon loves to jump in those...

My legs were still not happy, but I think the walk definitely helped as the pain seemed to ease a bit by the time we got back to the car.

As a bonus, and since no one seems to be doing much with the Tale of Two Hashes Achievement, I'll complete my own challenge for 'State Forest' since the previous challenge was made in the Dunkirk Graticule: 2015-06-13 42 -79.



This user earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (42, -78) geohash on 2020-06-29.
Pedalpusher earned the Tale of Two Hashes achievement
by meeting the challenge by himself to geohash in a State Forest going to the (42, -78) geohash on 2020-06-29.