2009-08-16 50 -119

From Geohashing
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Sun 16 Aug 2009 in 50,-119:
50.8929070, -119.8161114
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


Past Sun Peaks toward Macgillivray Lake



The weather looked like it would hold out, and be a decent day for a drive up to Sun Peaks and beyond so off we headed in the Jeep. Got halfway down the hill and oops forgot the camera. Pulled a U-turn on the road, back up the hill and grabbed the camera. This time we got to the bottom of the hill, and oops, the camera doesn't have a card in it. Back up the hill again. By this time we needed gas. Well we needed it anyhow, but it sounds better this way. Once we passed Heffley Lake you could feel the air getting cooler in the open Jeep so we pulled out our jackets, and got them on. Then on to Sun Peaks. Bathroom break. Now we are finally ready to hit the trails. Missed the first turn off, after we got on the gravel road, but heck the road we were on worked anyhow. Then missed the turn off we should have taken on this road too, and now we were getting further away from the point. It's ok though, because we wouldn't have seen the bear if we hadn't taken this road. Another U-turn. We're getting good at those. Found the road we wanted to start the hike on, and parked the Jeep

That is the general direction we need to go

Hmm judging by the look of this section now, it will be harder than what I thought it would be from studying Google maps. Oh well here we go. I mean how hard can three or four hundred meters be

It looks like a convenient place to cross this creek? puddle? Was ready to turn back just before this point.


We stumbled our way through bog, uneven ground

and shoulder length grass and other vegetation.

Remember the bear,.... we made lots of noise to warn

and not surprise or stumble upon creatures that

didn't expect to see us.

we need a machete
within tolerances
at the spot

That way

We looked around us after we reached the spot and tried to figure out how we got there and more importantly the best way back.

Rhonda's dad figured that he knew the general direction that we needed to back track. Then the GPS went wonky. Wonky as in

no screen, just one stripe, and turning it on and off didn't change that. Oh no. Did you bring your cell phone I asked. I

handed the GPS to him and he just took the batteries out put them back in and voila, we had our GPS back. Fortunately we thought

to mark the spot shortly after we headed into the brush, so we now entered this as our destination. This time I let him lead the way.

On we trekked through the uneven ground trying not to find mud bogs. Had it been less dry this year, this walk would have been a lot

tougher. We found the road on which we were parked, only we were about 100 meters further south. Not too bad. When I mentioned my

trepidation of entering this wilderness, Rhonda's dad said we drove all the way up here and got this close why quit now? Now where

have I heard something like that before.