
From Geohashing
Revision as of 19:27, 24 August 2021 by Yerushalmi (talk | contribs) (Listing)
Lol-asg.png 39 / m / 31,35

Note: The birthday provided to this template is not
actually my birthday; it's merely the nearest
approximation of it, as my birthday varies from year
to year. In 2021 my birthday fell out on August 14.
In 2022 it will fall out on September 2.

Um... hi!

Yerushalmi is your friendly neighborhood oleh yashan living in Jerusalem with his beautiful wife and five amazing children, whom he finally managed to convince thanks to years of effort and a pandemic that geohashing might be an interesting experience. His first foray into geohashing was not very successful (four points reached out of only a dozen or so attempts), but after a hiatus of nearly nine years, he's finally starting to rack up the hash points.

My expeditions

(Totals to be recalculated in the near future) Total expeditions: 7 Total successes: 3


Bolded expeditions indicate successes.

  • 2009-03-17_31_34: A drag-along holy no-batteries land geohash in the virgin Beersheba graticule.
  • 2009-04-10_31_34: A police no-batteries unleavened land geohash in the Beersheba graticule.
  • 2009-04-13_32_34: An unplanned expedition that found my wife and me only 70 meters from the hash point without realization or intention.
  • 2009-06-18_32_34: Almost but not quite a Puppet Master Geohash.
  • 2009-08-16_31_34: A plain old no-batteries land geohash in the Beersheba graticule. With a surprise celebrity guest.
  • 2009-10-06_32_35‎: Rain, paint, and failure in the Haifa East graticule.
  • 2009-12-29_32_34: Predestined failure in the Tel Aviv graticule.
  • 2011-10-17_32_34: Virgin speed racer land geohash with wife and first child. Last attempt before going on hiatus.
  • 2020-08-16_31_34: First attempt after almost nine years of absence. Failure due to reticence at entering someone's field.
  • 2020-08-18_32_34: First success in a very long time: a land geohash reached with #2 in tow. Wife and other children did not reach the hashpoint.
  • 2020-08-24_32_34: Land geohash in Holon reached with wife, mother-in-law, #1, #2, #4, and #5.
  • 2020-08-31_32_34: Car got stuck in a sand dune, causing failure in Holon.
  • 2021-07-21_31_34: First full-family geohash: speed racer with wife and #1 through #5.
  • 2021-08-13_31_34: Land geohash reached with #1, #2, and #3.
  • 2021-08-23_31_34: Land geohash reached with #1 and #2.
  • 2021-08-24_31_34: Failed attempt to get the Ambassador achievement - me and #2 reached the land geohash on the way to knock on the person's door, so we didn't bother knocking.

My achievements

Yerushalmi earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging his wife to the (31, 34) geohash on 2009-03-17.
Yerushalmi earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (31, 34) geohash on 2009-03-17.
Geohashing 2009 03 17 Wall of shul.jpg
Yerushalmi earned the Holy hash achievement
by reaching the sacred (31, 34) location, which is a synagogue that happened to be at the hashpoint. Or that the hashpoint was in Israel. Whichever works. Anyway, on 2009-03-17.
Geohashing 2009 03 17 Wall of shul.jpg

Template:Virgin graticule

Yerushalmi earned the No Batteries Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (31, 34) geohash on 2009-03-17.
Geohashing 2009 03 17 Wall of shul.jpg
Yerushalmi and his wife earned the Police Geohash Achievement
by being pulled over for no apparent reason while attempting the (31, 34) geohash on 2009-04-10.
Yerushalmi and his wife earned the Unleavened Geohash achievement
by eating matzo and pastrami sandwiches at the (31, 34) geohash on 2009-04-10.
2009-04-10 31 34 matza.jpg
Yerushalmi and his wife earned the Celebrity Geohash achievement
by meeting a guy in a monkey suit on the way to the (31, 34) geohash on 2009-08-16.
2009-08-16 31 34 Kofiko2.jpg

Fun Stuff


On the difference between a man and a GPS.

The Israeli Geohasher's Theme Song

קום והתהלך בארץ
בתרמיל ובמקל,
וודאי תפגוש בדרך
שוב את ארץ ישראל.
יחבקו אותך דרכיה
של הארץ הטובה,
היא תקרא אותך אליה
כמו אל ערש אהבה.

זאת אכן אותה הארץ.
זו אותה האדמה
ואותה פיסת הסלע
הנצרבת בחמה.
ומתחת לאספלט
לבניני הראוה,
מסתתרת המולדת
בישנית וענוה.

קום והתהלך בארץ
בתרמיל ובמקל,
וודאי תפגוש בדרך
שוב את ארץ ישראל.
יחבקו אותך דרכיה
של הארץ הטובה,
היא תקרא אותך אליה
כמו אל ערש אהבה.

וכרמי עצי הזית
ומסתור המעין,
עוד שומרים על חלומה
וחלומנו הישן.
וגגות אודמים על הר
וילדים על השבילים.
במקום שבו הלכנו
עם חגור ותרמילים.