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Michael 5000's 2009 Expeditions (#1-10)

10. 2009-12-27 42 -124 South of Humbug Mountain, Curry County, Oregon with Mrs.5000.

Expedition Succeeded.
  • First documented Expedition and successful Expedition (for anyone) in the Brookings graticule.
  • First Curry County Expedition.
  • First Expedition requiring minor bushwhacking.
  • December 2009 is the geohashingest month ever, with five expeditions.
Graticule unlocked.png
Michael5000 and Mrs.5000 earned the Graticule Unlocked Achievement
by being the first to reach any hashpoint in the (42, -124) graticule, here, on 2009-12-27.

9. 2009-12-25 43 -124 North of Myrtle Point, Oregon with Mrs.5000.

Expedition Failed -- Private Land, Impassable Gully.
  • First documented Expedition (for anyone) in the Coos Bay graticule.
  • First Coos County Expedition.
  • First Expedition launched from an away-from-home base camp.
  • Christmas Expedition!
Mrs.5000 earned the My kingdom for a boat consolation prize
by being prevented from reaching the (43, -124) geohash on 2009-12-25 by an impassable and unforeseen little gully.

8. 2009-12-23 45 -122 Residential Area Southeast of Vancouver Lake

Expedition Failed -- Private Land.
  • Earned No Trespassing Achievement!
  • First, um, Wednesday Expedition!
Michael5000 earned the No trespassing consolation prize
by almost reaching the (45, -122) geohash on 2009-12-23.

7. 2009-12-21 45 -122 Gillihan Road, Sauvie Island.

Expedition Succeeded
  • First successful night Expedition.
  • First Expedition completed without stopping.
Michael5000 earned the Speed racer achievement
by passing through the (45, -122) geohash on 2009-12-21 at a high rate of acceleration.

6. 2009-12-06 45 -122 Sunset High School baseball diamond, Portland.

Expedition Succeeded
  • First Oregon-side Expedition in the Portland, Oregon graticule.
  • Easiest Expedition ever.

5. 2009-11-28 45 -122 On Logging Roads north of the East Fork Lewis River in Southwest Washington.

Expedition Succeeded.
  • First series of Expeditions on consecutive days.
  • First Expedition requiring moderate physical exertion.

4. 2009-11-27 47 -122 East of Everett, Washington, with Mrs.5000 and Niece #1.

Expedition Failed -- difficult slope, thick vegetation, darkness.
  • My first night Expedition.
  • My first Expedition in a graticule not contiguous to Portland.
  • Niece #1's first Expedition.
  • My first failed Expedition.

3. 2009-11-13 45 -122 To the eastern fringe of The 'Couv.

Expedition Succeeded.
  • My first lunch-break Expedition.

2. 2009-11-08 45 -122 To Vancouver Lake.

Expedition Succeeded.
  • My first Expedition in Portland, Oregon graticule.
  • My first Expedition outside of Oregon.
  • My first Expedition in Washington.
  • Cinnamon Bear's first Expedition.

1. 2009-10-31 44 -123 To South Salem with Mrs.5000.

Expedition Succeeded.
michael5000 earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (44, -123) geohash on 2009-10-31.
michael5000 earned the Drag-along achievement
by dragging Mrs.5000 to the (44, -123) geohash on 2009-10-31.
michael5000 earned the No Batteries Geohash Achievement
by reaching the (44, -123) geohash on 2009-10-31.