2023-05-04 41 -88

From Geohashing
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Thu 4 May 2023 in 41,-88:
41.8220664, -88.1107722
geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox


Along side a trail in the Danada Forest Preserve near Warrenville.



Ride my bicycle over there around noon - Tara


Expedition Tarasaurus

It's wonderful on those rare occasions that a geohash lines up perfectly with plans that had already been made. In the middle of my 3 days off from work this week, I intended to get outside and enjoy the nice weather with a bike ride. It had been years since I did a ride of more than a dozen miles or so, but when I saw this point was directly adjacent to a trail and I could take bicycle trails nearly the entire way I knew exactly where my ride was going to go.

I set off around noon-ish for the Fox River trails. These would lead me to the Illinois Prairie Path, and then on to the trails at the Herrick Lake and Danada forest preserves. I've driven past these areas many times and was always curious about them so it was great to get to ride through and see them for myself. They are absolutely beautiful, with the crushed gravel trail winding through forests and prairies for miles. The weather was beautiful too, bright and sunny and a perfectly comfortable temperature for a long bike ride.

I arrived near the hash around 90 minutes after setting off, and followed the now grass trail a short distance to the north. The actual hash point was a short distance into the prairie grass which fortunately hasn't grown very tall just yet. After getting the obligatory proof and some photos, I rested for a bit in the shade of a nearby tree before setting off for home. My legs were totally spent by the time I made it back but it made for a wonderful evening getting to lay around and rest. 10/10, would bike through those nature areas again.

Expedition gennyble

The point laid in the Danada Forest Preserve, which was exciting to me! I'd been casually looking at the geohash points for a few months and this was the first one that felt close enough to go for and I had time to try and get it.

I set off around 5:30pm and arrived half an hour later, getting gas on the way. I walked the trail to the point, took a photo of my favourite hat in the quite beautiful what-looked-to-be-prairie and headed back. One day I'd like to walk to a point, but the easy route (via car) was alright for my first recorded hash.





Gennyble earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (41, -88) geohash on 2023-05-04.
Tarasaurus earned the Land geohash achievement
by reaching the (41, -88) geohash on 2023-05-04.
Tarasaurus earned the Bicycle geohash achievement
by cycling 36 miles (58km) to and from the (41, -88) geohash on 2023-05-04.