2008-08-16 39 -77
Sat 16 Aug 2008 in 39,-77: 39.3351359, -77.6121764 geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox |
Meetup location:
- 39.335135°, -77.612177° or
- N39°20.1081', W77°36.7305' or
- N39°20'6.48", W77°36'43.83"
The location was about 100 yards off of MD-79 near Rosemont, MD outside of Brunswick, MD.
What Happened?
The point was at the edge of a field along a tree line. When we passed the field looking for a place to park, Justin noticed that there was an electric fence along the field. We decided to park on the other side and go through the trees. There was a Lions Club park on the other side of the trees, with a shooting range and a playground. We crossed the shooting range, crossed a small stream, and climbed up to the trees, battling our way through spiderwebs. We then realized that the trees were so close together and full of bushes and brambles (and probably scary beasts) that we wouldn't be able to make it through. So we decided to go back and try the fence. Katie slipped and fell ankle-deep into the stream on the way back across, but the little snake in the water left her alone. We walked up to the road and back to the field, where Justin tested the electric fence and found it to be dead. We went through the fence (hoping the farmer wouldn't pull a Jurassic Park and turn it on while we were touching it) and walked along the tree line to the geohash location. Katie's cell phone could barely get reception, and though she checked her GPS coordinates at several points within feet of the exact spot, she could not get cell reception at exactly N39°20'6.48", W77°36'43.83". She got several readings N,S,E, and W of the exact point, but the closest she could get photographic proof of was N39°20'7.2", W77°36'43.6".
Pictures were taken, camera batteries died, and Justin realized on the way back that his phone has excellent reception in the boonies and also has the program Loopt, which apparently updates exact GPS coordinates in real time. Katie wanted to smack Justin for realizing this after the fact, but restrained herself.
Who Came?
- Katie
- Justin
- Images from Saturday 16 August 2008
Katie using VZNavigator to prove that she's very close to the spot.
Katie and Justin at the geohash location in the Frederick graticule