2016-11-30 30 -81
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Wed 30 Nov 2016 in Jacksonville, Florida: 30.3365453, -81.7231518 geohashing.info google osm bing/os kml crox |
The Plan
On Commonwealth Avenue. Get a speed racer during lunch.
The Geohashers
The Adventure
This was the geohash to kill my desire to geohash. I had just started a new job, and anti-depressants weren't really working. The only noteworthy thing about the drive over was the sudden shift from "propserous downtown" to "not-so-prosperous neighborhood" was very sudden. With my phone in my hands set to burst mode, I set up at the intersection and took as many as I could while safely driving.
First, there's no real safe way to do that. I was fortunate to be able to put down the phone before there was any traffic near me. Second, that's the entire adventure there. Third, I just wasted a lunch break and instead of the usual victorious feeling of reaching it, I was only left with a feeling of "Why did I even bother coming out here?"
Still, habits are hard to break. I dutifully filled out the Five of Hearts, left it in a hole by a pipe, and left.
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Geoff earned the Speed racer achievement