Rio Verde | San Gregorio | Primavera |
El Parillar | Punta Arenas | Timaukel |
-54,-71 | Ilsa Dawson | Estancia Almirantazgo |
Today's location: not yet announced |
The Punta Arenas graticule is at latitude -53, longitude -70. According to some, Punta Arenas is the southernmost city of the world. According to Land usage, the graticule consists of mostly water, and land on the other side of that water:
62.50% Water 36.68% Land 0.81% Near roads
The neighbouring graticule of El Parillar contains more land, but less infrastructure:
70.75% Land 29.06% Water 0.19% Near roads
Local Geohashers
If you plan to visit a hash, please create the appropriate wiki page. Others might be more likely to join in.
Past MeetupsSaturday 4pm hashes.
Past Geohashesanything but saturday.
relet earned the Graticule Unlocked Achievement